Daniel-Purpose to Stand in the Fire

Daniel- Purpose to stand in the Fire
We all feel pressure around us; besides the atmospheric pressure of the earth that we have bearing down upon us everywhere, most pressure we feel is from our peers. Peer pressure is a very real thing. We can feel it at work, school, soccer practice, and anywhere else we are with other people.
In Daniel chapter 3 we see peer pressure and the challenges that some young men face that could possibly be some of the hardest and most dangerous peer pressure anyone could face. What we see is Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon building a statue of gold and commanding all to bow and worship this graven image. The result of doing so is safety and life, if you don’t to a fiery furnace you go.
Now we see our young men Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego. They have a choice, a choice to obey a king who will kill them or to obey God who may not do anything to save them. These men, however, no matter the cost or pressure; because you know their friends are telling them to do the smart thing. Probably with excuses like; God will understand, God will forgive you…etc. Yet despite the peer pressure these young men decide that they would rather die than disobey God. We need to remember they did not have the Bible or the book of Daniel for all they knew they were going to die. They were willing to stand in the fire. We of course know how this story ends, they don’t burn! In fact they don’t even smell like smoke God protects them from flames and their wrathful king.
So will you stand in the fire? When peer pressure comes, when someone mocks you for your faith or threatens to kill you because of it, will you be willing to stand in the fire and be willing to be burned because of your faith? I know, I will stand with God and if I die because of that stand, well Paul Says it best in Philippians 1:21 “For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.”
By Pastor Thor Williams

Purpose to be a Daniel

Becoming a Daniel

Daniel in his journey from Judah to Babylon must have been terrified. He saw the Temple of God being looted his home left in ruin and his family fading into the distance. We today in the U.S.A are so blessed to be safe from most harm that may befall someone in these turbulent times. We should however remember Hebrews 13:14 “We have no lasting city here, but we seek the city that is to come.” We have a hope for a future spent in God’s Kingdom where we will, not only be safe but spend eternity growing closer to God.

The problem we face now though is this; we are in this world and until death or rapture we need to be like Daniel in this world. Throughout Daniel we see him submit to the authority of those above him (Dan.1:8, 11-14; 2:14). This of course works in Daniel’s favor because the kings he served under and the men he served with could find nothing against him. We as Christians today should be the same way, no matter where you live or who your government leaders are good, or evil. We must first be good. In Romans 13:1-7 we see this example being told to us. If we behave like godly Christians should we will do good we will be the light so that when this world looks at us and their leaders look at us all they can say is those are good people who obey not only the Law of their God, but the fair laws of men. If they can see that in our lives then maybe our leaders will be a little more curious about Jesus and His story.

In Christ

Pastor Thor

Becoming a Daniel

Becoming a Daniel

Today we are talking about purpose. In Daniel 1:8a it says “But Daniel purposed in his heart that he would not defile himself.” Now in Daniel he was not going to defile himself with meat or wine that was offered up to idols; and I see a connection. This connection is in how we as Christians should be living our lives for Christ separated from the world. Living in the world today, it is easy to want to blend in and not upset the status quo. If we take a look into Daniel we only see him and his three friends, many were taken from their homes but only four stood up for their beliefs, only four purposed to not defile themselves with the influences surrounding them. My challenge for you, if you happen to be reading this, is to purpose now make it today that you decide to purpose your life for God’s service, that you purpose not to blend in with society but to stand up and stand for God!

In Christ, Pastor Thor